SEVEN went on a day trip to Margate to see the exhibition Entangled: Threads & Making at the Turner Contemporary gallery. It was a very blustery day!

The exhibition included sculpture, installation, tapestry, textiles and jewellery from the early 20th century to the present day. It featured work from over 40 female artists, from different cultures and generations, who challenge established categories of craft, design and fine art.
Here’s a small example of what we enjoyed:

Exhibiting artists: Anni Albers; Caroline Achaintre; Ghada Amer; Paola Anziché; Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir / Shoplifter; Phyllida Barlow; Marion Baruch; Karla Black; Margrét H Blöndal; Regina Bogat; Louise Bourgeois; Geta Brătescu; Sonia Delaunay; Sonia Gomes; Ximena Garrido-Lecca; Eva Hesse; Ann Cathrin November Høibo; Laura Ford; Mona Hatoum; Marianne Heske; Sheila Hicks; Susan Hiller; Maureen Hodge; Christiane Löhr; Kate MccGwire; Annette Messager; Rivane Neuenschwander; Lucy + Jorge Orta; Arna Óttarsdottir; Sidsel Paaske; Maria Papadimitriou; Anna Ray; Maria Roosen; Ursula von Rydingsvard; Hannah Ryggen; Betye Saar; Judith Scott; Samara Scott; Kiki Smith; Aiko Tezuka; Rosemarie Trockel; Tatiana Trouvé; Frances Upritchard and Joana Vasconcelos.
The exhibition runs from Sat 28 Jan – Sun 7 May 2017 @ Turner Contemporary